Ultrassay launched Monekypox Virus Detection Kit (Real-time PCR) which can help detect monkeypox virus and detect monkeypox infection cases in time!
On May 7, 2022, a local case of monkeypox virus infection was reported in the UK.
According to the British Reuters report, on the 20th local time, with more than 100 confirmed and suspected cases of monkeypox in Europe, the World Health Organization confirmed that it would hold an emergency meeting on monkeypox on the same day. At present, it has involved many countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, etc. A total of 80 monkeypox cases and 50 suspected cases have been reported worldwide.

Monkeypox is a rare viral zoonotic disease that usually spreads among monkeys in Central and West Africa, but occasionally to humans. Monkeypox is a disease caused by monkeypox virus, which belongs to the orthopoxvirus subgenus of the Poxviridae family. In this subgenus, there are only four types of smallpox virus, vaccinia virus, vaccinia virus and monkeypox virus that can cause human infection. There is cross immunity. Monkeypox virus is rectangular in shape and can grow in African green monkey kidney cells, causing cytopathic effects.

Humans are infected with monkeypox, mainly through the bite of an infected animal, or direct contact with the blood, body fluids, and monkeypox lesions of an infected animal; usually transmitted from animals to humans, and occasionally human-to-human monkeys can also occur. Acne spreads. It is generally believed to be transmitted through toxic respiratory droplets during direct, prolonged face-to-face contact. In addition, monkeypox can also be spread through direct contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids or virus-contaminated items such as clothing and bedding.
The UK Health Safety Agency (UKHSA) said initial symptoms of monkeypox infection include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills and fatigue. Patients also sometimes develop a rash, usually first on the face and then on other parts of the body. Most infected people recover within a few weeks, but others develop severe illness. In view of the successive reports of monkeypox cases in many countries, the development of rapid detection reagents is urgently needed to avoid the rapid spread of the virus and endanger the world.
The monkeypox DNA virus detection kit (Real-time PCR) and the orthopox virus universal type and monkeypox virus DNA detection kit (Real-time PCR) developed by ULTRASSAY can help detect monkeypox virus and detect monkeypox infection cases in time.
The two kinds of detection kits can respectively provide detection reagents for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention and control of monkeypox virus infection according to the different needs of customers, help infected patients to diagnose quickly, and greatly improve the success rate of treatment.
Product Name | Specification |
Monkeypox Virus Detection Kit (Real-time PCR) | 50 tests/kit |
Orthopox Universal Type and Monkeypox Virus Detection Kit (Real-time PCR) | 50 tests/kit |
- Orthopox virus universal type and monkeypox virus DNA detection kit (Real-time PCR) can cover four types of orthopoxviruses that cause human infection, and at the same time detect the currently popular monkeypox virus to make the diagnosis more accurate and avoid missed detection. And a tube of reaction solution is used, which is easy to operate and saves costs;
- Ultrassay Monkeypox Virus Detection Kit (Real-time PCR) is using rapid PCR amplification, the detection time is short, and the detection results can be obtained in 40 minutes;
- The internal control is introduced into the system, which can comprehensively monitor the experimental process and ensure the experimental quality;
- With high specificity and high sensitivity, it can detect viruses at a concentration of 300Copies/mL in samples. The monkeypox virus detection has no cross with smallpox virus, vaccinia virus, vaccinia virus, etc.;
- Two kinds of kit can meet different customer needs.